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Affordable Auto Repair

Our number 1 goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We love to under promise and we will always be delighted to over deliver. As a professional mechanic I have some pride in what I do and it is important to me to be able to do a good job as inexpensively and quickly as possible.
Address: Everett, MA, 02149    
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Website: Affordable Auto Repair
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Affordable Auto Repair
My name is Elson Alves. I am the owner of Affordable Auto Repair in Everett MA. I want to do the job right the first time. This makes me happy and most important it makes my customers happy. There is a saying in my business and sometimes it's all too true, "There's never enough time to do the job right the first time, but there's always enough time to do it right the second time."
If one of my customers has to bring back his car because I did something wrong, that hurts my pride and it tarnishes my image. Worst of all, the next time he needs a repair or service he might not bring it back to me. That hurts my business.
I ran a poll with the question: "Do you trust your mechanic?" And I was surprised to see that 46% of those who responded said no, they don't.
This got me to thinking, if you don't trust your mechanic, why do you bring your car back to him? If you didn't trust your doctor, you would find another doctor. Your mechanic is very much like your doctor. He has to diagnose and treat your car. In fact if you want to take it a step further your mechanic has to be better than your doctor because your car can't tell him where it hurts.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
83 Vine St Everett, MA, 02149

Website: Affordable Auto Repair  Our number 1 goal is 100% customer satisfaction.


 *** 1 Review for Affordable Auto Repair
Bad 01/08/2011  Richard    Waltham, Massachusetts
Bought a car form them were bring car to us they got into a accident. Told us we have car in one week two weeks now and still no car. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM YOU WILL BE SORRY. Talk to Elson the owner they you want you want to hear and thats it. It been 4 weeks now and no car this was for our daughter for Christmas

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