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Integral Hypnosis
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Hypnotherapy and philosophical counseling practice. Weight-loss, smoking cessation, phobias, anxiety, angst, stress, self-esteem, motivation. Peak performance for work and play. Impress new perspectives on your subconscious understanding of negative thoughts and behavior patterns, and on important issues in your life. |
Address: Newton, MA, 02460 Click here to see the full address Website: Integral Hypnosis | Phone Number |
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Integral Hypnosis
Arthur D. Schwartz, Ph.D. Hypnotherapy and Philosophical Counseling
Hypnotherapy, or the therapeutic application of hypnosis, is effective for weight-loss, smoking cessation, phobias, anxieties, stress, motivation, performance, and much more. How does hypnosis work? Many people think of hypnosis or hypnotism as something quite mysterious. It is confused with magic, or thought to be an almost unconscious state of mind produced by the hypnotist perhaps even against the will of the subject! These ideas could not be further from the truth. Hypnosis is, in fact, the induction of a state of mind that is very similar to those that people naturally drift in and out of in the course of a typical day. For example, the familiar daydream episodes where a friend needs to repeat a question to you several times before you "snap out" of the reverie, or the moments just before drifting off to sleep are very much like hypnotic states.
The major difference between these states and hypnosis is that in the therapeutic practice of hypnotism (or hypnotherapy) it is intentionally induced for the purpose of effecting positive behavioral or attitudinal change. Hypnosis is not only not a state of unconsciousness, it is a state of highly focused consciousness. Through the use of suggestion and the cooperation between the hypnotist or hypnotherapist and client, the subject first enters into a state of profound physical relaxation and then into a relaxation of the mind that is at the same time highly focused. This combination of physical relaxation and relaxed mental focus creates a state of optimum suggestibility which makes the therapeutic usefulness of hypnosis possible. The uses of hypnotherapy include weight-loss and weight management, smoking cessation, improved motivation and self-esteem, improved creativity through the unblocking of creative potential, stress reduction and stress management, control of anxieties and phobias such as public speaking, stage fright, test anxiety and any type of anxiety or phobia including anxieties which cause insomnia or interfere with sleep, memory enhancement, enhanced sports performance and performance enhancement of all kinds. Hypnotherapy can, for example, help optimize performance and control anxieties relating to one's job, testing as well as preparation for tests and exams. Performance anxiety is in general helped by hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can also help to alleviate fears and anxieties concerning surgical, dental, and medical examinations or procedures, including childbirth. Help in controling addictions is another useful application of hypnosis. And there are many other applications as well. Regardless of the application, hypnotherapy is a poweful tool to help a person achieve his or her personal best. In a word, hypnosis can unleash a person's positive potential when, as is often the case, it has been held back by self-limiting fears, restrictions and negative habit formations.
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