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    Assorted Books. categories: (Boston)
      Welcome to the Assorted Books category of the Books and Magazines catalog a fine directory of assorted books businesses, related products and services in Boston, MA and Boston area. The Assorted Books directory features online libraries, database of booksellers, books retailers, book stores with a comprehensive selection of books, reader’s guides on a range of topics and more.
      Find popular best sellers and rare books, learn more about the famous authors, read interviews, reviews, compare prices and purchase assorted books online using our Assorted Books directory. In the Assorted Books directory you would be able to find books for all your family readers.

  • Assorted Books (8)

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  Ars Libri ltd.
Ars Libri maintains the largest stock in America of rare and out-of-print books on art. Founded in 1976, it has an international reputation as a source for scholars, collectors, artists, and everyone else with an interest in the visual arts.  More about Ars Libri ltd.
  Boston Bahai Center
The Bahá'í Faith upholds the unity of God, recognizes the unity of His Prophets, and inculcates the principle of the oneness and wholeness of the entire human race. What is the purpose of life? What is the nature of the soul? How does the soul progress?.  More about Boston Bahai Center
  Boston Book Company
The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA) is an organization of nearly 500 dealers in rare books in the United States. Further, all members of the ABAA are also members of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB).  More about Boston Book Company
  Brattle Book Shop
We buy used and rare books in all fields, from single volumes to large collections. We deal with individuals, lawyers, trustees and libraries.  More about Brattle Book Shop
  Bromer Booksellers
Bromer Booksellers specializes in rare and beautiful books as well as highspots of literature. Owned and operated by Anne and David Bromer, who have been in the business of fine books for nearly forty years, our shop carries a range of important private press books, designer bookbindings,literary first editions, illustrated books from the fifteenth century to the present, children's books, and miniature books.  More about Bromer Booksellers
We stock several thousand comic book trade paperbacks, so it might be better to think of us as a 'comic bookstore. ' Nearly everything in the store is cover price - the only time we may raise the price of an item is if we had to pay more to restock it.  More about Comicopia
  The Horn Book, Inc.
The Horn Book Magazine and The Horn Book Guide are the most distinguished journals in the field of children’s and young adult literature and the core of our company, but we also publish acclaimed books for children’s book professionals and create exceptional posters for children’s book lovers. .  More about The Horn Book, Inc.
  The Mary Baker Eddy Library
This is  a place where people come together to explore: the power of ideas throughout history to inspire individuals and change the world; the contemporary search for life's deeper meaning; the ideas, life, and achievements of Mary Baker Eddy. .  More about The Mary Baker Eddy Library

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