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IFA Boston Fencing


Our mission is to provide the highest level of instructions and professional training in the Olympic sport of fencing, and help our students to achieve personal excellence and reach their fullest potential.


Address: Burlington, MA, 01803    
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Website: IFA Boston Fencing
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The students are first introduced to the basics of fencing, including en garde position, basic footwork drills, footwork combinations. Then they start to use practice weapons to get training in hand position, as well as hand leg coordination. The concepts of attacks and defenses, as well as fencing strategies and tactics, will also be introduced. The students will dress up with the fencing gear and practice with each other in pairs, under the coach's close supervision. Coach will evaluate every student's progress in each class, and will inform the student / guardians that he/she is eligible to take private lessons. When the students are ready to move to the next level, they will be invited to the intermediate group class for fencing practice on the electronic strips.

The progress is determined by many factors, such as the student's age, athletic ability, frequency of the group class and/or private lessons, etc. For example, for students 8-10 years old with no prior experience, it may take 4-6 months with weekly group class and private lessons.


In the intermediate program, the students continue to learn the technical skills of fencing, footwork drills, strategies and tactics, improve their mental and physical strength. They will take group classes routinely, and join the open bouting with other fencers at similar or higher levels. When the students are ready, the coach will recommend them to attend local competitions.


After the students compete consistently for about a year, the students will be invited to the youth competitive program with coach's evaluation. Fencers will participate in the group class and bouting with intermediate and advanced students, and are encouraged to attend local, regional, and national competitions. Advanced fencing skills, strategies and mental training will be introduced in this program.


Cadet program includes students who are 13 or older with USFA rating E or U (unrated). Students who started training after middle school age can join the Cadet program after fencing electronically for 6 months to 1 year, depending on the student's progress. The cadet fencers may form a separate training group, or participate in the group class and boutings with youth competitive or advanced fencers, determined by the group size, coach's evaluation on the fencers' experience and skill levels, and other factors. Basic and advanced fencing skills and mental strategies will be introduced in this program. Students are encouraged to attend competitions when they are ready.


The advanced training program is open to students who are at least 12 years old, and hold USFA rating D or above. The program includes intensive technical and mental training, conditioning, more complicated footwork combinations, and complex fencing strategies and tactics. The high performance fencers will attend competitions nationally and internationally. The students built their skills through private lessons, competitive training class, fencing camps, open fencing practice, and competitions.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
141 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, MA, 01803

Website: IFA Boston Fencing  

See also related Categories: Personal Training, Yoga, Wrestling,

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