Poor Clare Nuns
A Poor Clare's witness lies in Christian community - in sisters who become mirrors of Christ to one another and strengthen one another in every human way. This is the central witness of the Church, and it takes priority in Poor Clare life. Someone once remarked: Do you realize the miracle of grace it is to see a house full of women living together day after day, year after year, in relative peace? We needed that pat on the back; it's not easy. In living, praying, working, struggling and playing together in sisterly unity lies our primary witness to transcendent realities - to the presence of God in our lives - because we couldn't do it otherwise.The Order of Saint Clare - our official title - was the first religious Order of nuns to take a vow of enclosure besides the three vows religious make of obedience, poverty and chastity. This added dimension is another distinguishing characteristic of a Poor Clare's life linking us, as it does, to the only people who made such a vow at that time - the anchoresses, holy women who gave their lives to prayer as intercessors for the people.In order to understand what enclosure means it helps to begin by considering the meaning of the word "enclosure" as it was commonly used centuries ago. Thirteenth century Italian homes had a reception area for guests and a private living area where outsiders did not come. These rooms were called the "enclosure" of the house. To live in an enclosure meant you lived in that part of the house where people outside were not ordinarily allowed.This helps describe our situation. Public access is limited to certain areas. This is especially necessary because we live on a busy suburban highway. "Papal" enclosure - the kind we have - means our monastery is set apart by the Church for those who feel called to make the contemplation of God their primary occupation. Every day many people come to visit our quiet chapel, talk with the sister at the door, or patronize our gift shop. Our enclosure serves to maintain an atmosphere conducive to prayerfulness and supportive of our Eucharistic adoration.We are looking for a few more dedicated women to join us here in Boston. If you would like to know more about us and our "way of life" or would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Sr. Mary Francis, Vocation Directress.
Contact us at
617-524-1760 or 617-524-7866