From total sole replacement to recrafting entire shoes, Newton Shoe Repair has the tools, knowledge and talented, professional staff to take care of any of your shoe repair needs. They are also registered Orthopedic Shoe Technicians and Board Certified Pedorthist.
They can make custom modifications to your custom designed orthotics to alleviate pain and problem areas. They can work build-ups to level hip or leg length, do modifications for arthritic or diabetic shoes and they can custom mold and build shoes by hand. They also stock rocker soles, cofferdams, stabilizers, wedges, flares and inserts for men, women and children.
In addition to repairing footwear, Newton Shoe Repair, also does shoe dying, leather and luggage repair and they make keys. Bring in your luggage, leather bags or belts and let them work their magic. Why fork out money for new items when your shoes, boots, luggage or leather items can be repaired? The affordable prices and amazing service make it worthwhile. From a good old fashioned shoe shine to a broken purse strap, they can help you. Reduce, reuse and recycle and words to live by.
Let Newton Shoe Repair help you and the environment. Stop in today for a free estimate, they would love to meet you.