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James C. Harrison

If you buying or selling your home in Eastern Massachusetts, James Harrison - an experienced sales agent is ready to help you. Contact James Harrison for sales, rentals and other Real Estate Services today!
Address: Boston, MA, 02124    
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RSales, Rentalks, Real Estate Agent in Eastern Massachusetts
 James C. Harrison
Experienced Sales Agent in Eastern Massachusetts

As an exclusive buyer`s agent helping first time home buyers, investors and others make the right decision in real estate. I take great pride in handling the transaction from start-to-finish.
With years of real estate experience in the Greater Boston area, James has served many happy clients. His special personal attention and outstanding service have garnered him words of praise.
Rentals, rentals, rentals.....
Why Rent?
I expanded into rentals for a number of reasons this year:
The condo buyers I sold to a few years ago wanted the option to move while keeping their condo to come back to later on or to wait and sell later. There reasons were many (life style changes, commute to work, size of family, pets, etc).
The buy side of my business ( the majority of it) needed some fresh life and another venue to contact buyers besides Open Houses, email marketing, postcards and
I started working closer with the investors and found a large depend for quality tenants, because after they buy the 6-family or 3-family they always need it quickly tenanted.
Most renters eventually buy and more most landlord eventually sell.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
2258A Dorchester Ave. Boston, MA, 02124

Website: James C. Harrison- your Real E  If you buying or selling your home in Eastern Massachusetts, James Harrison - an experienced sales agent is ready to help you.


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