A&E Realrty
We’ve successfully been in business since 1976
We will find the key to your new home!
Foreclosures are dangerous today. No one knows who actually holds title and who can really sell these homes. It may be up to the courts! Don’t take a chance of being caught in this legal mess!
Why buy old when you can buy BRAND NEW and be sure of the purchase as well as save money.
We have helped 1000’s purchase new homes that fit their pocket book as well as their taste. Choose your own décor inside and out. Today your money will buy you even more. The rates have not been better!
Styles include colonials, capes, ranches, and contemporaries. We can use our plan or yours. And we work diligently to meet your expectations. Join our satisfied customers.
Draw on our combined 100 years of experience in building, brokering and financing your new home.