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Gentle Smiles

Dr. Annie B. Watson's vision for Gentle Smiles is to provide high quality, gentle, and comfortable oral health care, primarily for children, but inclusive of individuals of all ages. Dr. Watson is intently committed to providing community-oriented dental services that will address the needs of children and families that often go under-served.
Address: Springfield, MA, 01104    
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Website: Gentle Smiles
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Gentle Smiles
Dr. Watson has earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Biology from Hampton University. She earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from Medical College of Virginia. She also has completed an advanced training residency program at the UConn Health Center. She brings significant experience from public health dentistry in Connecticut and the City of Springfield.
Dr. Watson's ultimate goal for Gentle Smiles Family Dentistry is to promote healthy smiles for a lifetime.
Gentle Smiles is always open to new patients. We service anyone in the Springfield, MA Area and beyond.
Your First Visit:
Your child should visit the dentist by his/her 1st birthday. You can make the first visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive. Your child should be informed of the visit and told that the dentist and their staff will explain all procedures and answer any questions.
It is best if you refrain from using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear, such as needle, pull, drill or hurt. The office makes a practice of using words that convey the same message, but are pleasant and non-frightening to the child.
If your child is over the age of 3, we ask that you allow them to accompany our staff through the dental experience. We are all highly experienced in helping children overcome anxiety. Separation anxiety is not uncommon in children, so please try not to be concerned if your child exhibits some negative behavior. This is normal and will soon diminish. Studies and experience have shown that most children over the age of 3 react more positively when permitted to experience the dental visit on their own and in an environment designed for children.
We strive to make each and every visit to our office a fun one!
Children's Dental Health:
Why Are The Primary (Baby) Teeth So Important?

It is very important to maintain the health of the primary (baby) teeth. Neglected cavities can and frequently do lead to problems which affect developing permanent teeth. Primary teeth, or baby teeth are important for (1) proper chewing and eating, (2) providing space for the permanent teeth and guiding them into the correct position, and (3) permitting normal development of the jaw bones and muscles. Primary teeth also affect the development of speech and add to an attractive appearance. While the front 4 teeth last until 6-7 years of age, the back teeth (cuspids and molars) aren’t replaced until age 10-13.
General Dentistry:
Research has shown that almost everybody has a 95% chance of experiencing some tooth decay. When tooth decay does occur, it is highly important to remove the decay, clean the tooth and repair the tooth with some type of restoration. In addition, lost or missing teeth need to be replaced to protect your overall oral health.
We offer the various restorations to protect and restore decayed or missing teeth.
- Composite Fillings
- Inlays & Onlays
- Crowns
- Fixed Bridges
- Dental Implants

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
1410 Carew Street Springfield, MA, 01104

Website: Gentle Smiles  Dr. Annie B. Watson`s vision for Gentle Smiles is to provide high quality, gentle, and comfortable oral health care.

See also related Categories: Oral Care, Preventive medicine,

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