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    Homeopathy. (Quincy)

     The Homeopathy is one of the most popular and effective branch of  alternative medicine adopted by people from every country of the world. Best clinics, medical centers  providing homeopathy services located in Quincy, MA and Boston area are presented in our  Homeopathy category of the Medicine and Doctors catalog with its Alternative Medicine directory.
     Browse this catalog and find interesting and useful information about alternative medicine centers and clinics in the Greater Boston area. Specialist in Hollistic and Alternative medicine, well experienced doctors of the homeopathy providing services and help for pain releif after car accidents, back pain, allergies, infertility, massages and herbal treatment. Many  health problems can be resolved by using this kind of medicine, which non traditional methods to treat illnesses.

  • Homeopathy (1)

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Daniel S Karp, Licensed Acupuncturist, practises in Quincy, MA, practicing Chinese and Japaneses styles of acupuncture since 1982. I must be aware of the individuality and uniqueness of each patient and have the skill and knowledge to heal those who come to me, and this is proved in my patients testimonials saying "Acupuncture gave me my life back" .  More about Acudan

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