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Red River Trading Co

Red River Trading Company of Boston is a direct importer of antiques and home furnishings from around the world. We personally travel to find unique items that ‘tell a story’, serve as creative springboards and can complement any design style. We hope you enjoy the resource that is Red River Trading Company.
Address: Boston, MA, 02118    
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Website: Unique Home Furnishings Boston
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Red River Trading Co.
From Our Journeys To Your Home

Red River Trading Co. journeys around the world to discover unique home furnishings and home accessories to bring back to its Boston retail location. 

With a more than 4300 square foot showroom and an additonal 10,000 square feet of warehouse, Red River Trading strives to offer the most comprehensive inventory of chinese antiques, asian furniture, home accessories and home furnishings in Boston.

Journey to Red River Trading Co. and discover for yourself.

The Red River Trading Company evolved from the idea that rivers are the source of life and inspiration.
Our collection springs from Asia, and the color red represents both joy and passion and is used on every happy occasion. Tapping the time-honored culture of merchant trading, we bring our collection of antiques, handcrafted reclaimed teak furniture, ceramics, textiles and accessories to you.

Red River Trading Co. comes to Boston's South End

The Red River Trading Company in Boston's South End offers a core collection of reclaimed and plantation Teak furniture, Chinese antiques, ceramics, textiles and accessories.

The collection includes the basic furnishing necessities of life from beds and chairs to dining tables and storage chests. Unique pieces from the antique Chinese collection will give the opportunity to add a touch of oriental style. Our goal is to provide objects that 'tell a story' and can serve as creative springboards for 'themes' in one's home. Simply, the Red River Trading Company is about high quality, unique home furnishings and furniture. Let Red River inspire you to turn your home into a personal statement.
Design Services
Red River Trading Company's interior design professionals are available to help you plan and accessorize your home or office. In addition, we work with Feng Shui consultants who can help organize and arrange your living and working space.
Simply visit our store or contact us at 617-512-0862 to discuss your design requirements. Alternatively, send us a plan of your living space or room.
We will have our interior designers suggest Red River Trading Co. furnishings, window treatments, accessories and lighting for you. We will send back a sketch of your layout and an itemized list including prices of the suggested items.
This service is free if you live in the continental USA. Red River Trading Co. is under no obligation to accept any or all interior design challenges and reserves the right to reject any submitted requests.
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Address and Phone Number
1313 Washington Street Boston, MA, 02118

Website: Unique Home Furnishings Boston  Red River Trading Co. Boston is a direct importer of Chinese antiques and home furnishings from around the world.

See also related Categories: Interior Design, Bed & Bath, Home Decor, Window Treatments,

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