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Newton Trade Center


Newton Trade Center you will find unique diamonds, exclusive gold, silver and platinum jewelry. Apart from selling quality jewelry, we also buy jewelry and gold.  In our jewelry and watch repair store, we do jewelry, silver and gold jewelry repair. We also provide to our esteemed clients watch, jewelry watch, pocket watch, watch band repair and battery replacement.


Address: Newton, MA, 02549    
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Newton Trade Center, we believe there's nothing quite like the feeling of receiving a gift of designer jewelry-something so special it's unlike anything you've seen before. Whether it's the perfect engagement ring or an exquisite piece of designer jewelry, sparkling diamonds or a collector's watch, receiving it is one of those perfect moments when memories are made. As Newton premier jewelry store,Newton Trade Center has been helping customers make memories for over 15 years. At Newton Trade Center, we understand how to take diamonds and other precious gems and turn them into fine jewelry and one-of-a-kind works of art. There are many reasons why our customers return to our several store  locations in Massachusetts year after year. 
For some, it's the excitement of discovering unique, designer jewelry each time they visit our store. Whether it's our timeless collection of designer watches or a glamorous piece of women's jewelry we've travelled the world to discover, our elegant Las Olas showroom is like an intimate gallery, begging to be explored. When making a significant purchase-such as designer jewelry-peace of mind is something that can't be overemphasized. Newton Trade Center spotless reputation also extends to estate jewelry and gold buying. 
Then there's our customer service. Our team's passion for our collection of fine jewelry can be felt the minute you enter our store. Whether your budget is large or small, whether you're looking for designer jewelry, diamonds, a watch or an engagement ring, we strive to uncover the perfect item for each and every customer. When it comes to women's jewelry, our goal is to match your unique personality and style to that special piece of fine jewelry that will make you smile every time you wear it. If you're looking to sell gold or estate jewelry, the Newton Trade Center team has experts at gold buying who will offer you fair prices and excellent service.
Newton Trade Center, we believe that the right piece of jewelry begs to be worn and enjoyed for years to come, and we're committed to helping you find it each time you visit our different store locations. That's how we help our customers make memories, and that's how we run our business every day. That's why local customers from Boston to Western-Mass, celebrities, athletes and socialites from around the country and across the globe are proud to call Newton Trade Center their fine jeweler. 

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Address and Phone Number
636 Commonwealth Ave Newton, MA, 02549

See also related Categories: Jewelry Store,

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