Hypnosis Works
Hypnotherapy Certification Training
The National Guild of Hypnotists offers the most complete course in Hypnosis, Imagery and Suggestion given anywhere. Including 100 hours of hands on supervision and instruction. Here is the outline of the course, taught by Len Topolski M.S. a certified National Guild of Hypnotists instructor. The curriculum of the course will include:
WHAT IS HYPNOSIS? A complete technical and simple explanation of hypnosis is explored. Concepts of primary and secondary suggestibility are introduced.
PRELIMINARY SUGGESTIBILITY TESTS: The purpose and types (authoritarian and permissive) are discussed, demonstrated and practiced.
RECOGNITION & CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS: An in-depth discussion of the qualifications of subjects, including common fallacies we encounter, occupational susceptibility, age and susceptibility of highly impressionable and emotional people.
FAVORABLE AND UNFAVORABLE INFLUENCES AND DANGERS OF HYPNOSIS: In this lesson, we discuss the influences of light and color, of temperature, of odors, of music and sound, of quiet and the influence of emotions and its effect on inducing hypnosis.
HOW TO HYPNOTIZE: A 3-step classical hypnotic induction procedure is introduction procedure is introduced . Participants practice and are critiqued.
METHODS OF AWAKENING: Ordinary and gradual awakening methods are shown. Participants practice a self hypnosis induction and awaken themselves.
DEPTH STAGES OF HYPNOSIS Participants are introduced to the six depth stages of hypnosis and the criteria for judging trance depth.
WHO BENEFITS FROM THIS TRAINING? Therapists, nurses, doctors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, dentists, alternative health professionals, and any one interested in augmenting an existing career or having a new exciting career!
Course instructor, Len Topolski, M S. is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor trained in both Classical and Eriksonian Hypnosis and is also a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. He is a certified instructor of Hypnosis from the National Guild of Hypnotists. Currently he is an outreach therapist with Valley Psychiatric Services Inc. and is director of Peak Performance Consultants working with business people to improve their professional performance.
For more information and to register