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Brodeur helps clients discover, create and shape their world. We help clients deal with market shifts, competitive threats, economic ups-and-downs and needy customers, employees and shareholders. The skills we’ve developed over two decades help us address the dynamics, speed, productivity of business.
Address: Boston, MA, 02116    
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Founded in 1985, Brodeur specializes in strategic public relations, marketing and corporate communications. Part of Omnicom Group Inc., we have offices and partners around the world.
We support client growth and competitive advantage by

  • discovering new ways to promote brand awareness and profitable growth
  • creating links between communications ideas to business strategy; and
  • shaping our clients’ relationships with their customers.
  We believe winning enterprises will continue to use PR, marketing and communications as strategic weapons. For those companies, Brodeur is a trusted, experienced and energetic partner that helps them deal with an ever-changing and challenging market. Like no other firm, Brodeur helps clients deal with market shifts, competitive threats, economic ups-and-downs and needy customers, employees and shareholders.
  Discovery is critical. Because seeing only what everyone else sees isn't good enough. It is not just out of the box thinking and tactics. It is using ideas to creatively make the box bigger, stronger, better. It's about finding new ways to shape brands and build brand loyalty both inside and outside the company. It is creating linkages between communications programs and business objectives that shape clients’ relationships with their customers.
Market Focus
Consumer Marketing - We’re an organization of professionals that knows what drives consumers. Our consumer teams have experience working with major brands, such as RIM, Toshiba, Philips, Fidelity and Wells Fargo and support their consumer marketing efforts in technology, financial services, healthcare and other industries. Some of our clients have very sophisticated consumers. Others face challenges in bridging the gap between traditional storefronts and new retail and ecommerce technologies. We’ve helped companies build brands from scratch and others extend their brands to new customers. We help every client anticipate change and adjust their marketing efforts, their distribution channels and communications to shape and control their future.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
855 Boylston Street Boston, MA, 02116

Website: Brodeur  We are a global communications partner who will help you discover, create and shape your world.

See also related Categories: Economics, Internet Marketing, Market Research, Marketing,

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