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Marx Fertik Design

  Marx Fertik Design a Boston area brand identity design firm specializing in corporate identity and brand experience.Marx Fertik Design helping organizations define who they are and why they matter - we creating or refinding your indentity.
Address: Arlington, MA, 02476    
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Website: Marx Fertik Design
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Marx Fertik Design
  Marx Fertik Design was founded in January 2005 in Arlington, MA, when Melleta Marx and Joshua Fertik moved from Los Angeles and brought together their design and marketing abilities and experiences. They continue to serve clients on both coasts.
  Our services include:
  Brand and corporate indentity - logos, business systems and standarts guides.
  Business communication - brochures, annual reports, press kits and marketig materials.
  Branded Environments - interiors, signage, in-store displays and trade shows.
  Package Design.
  Web Design.
  Great solutions cannot be created in a vacuum. A pretty logo or well designed brochure will rarely succeed if the strategy behind it is not clearly defined snd supported.
  So before beginnig work, we step back and ask how the objectives of the specific project fit into your larger marketing goals. Then we ask how those marketing goals fit into your larger brand strategy.
  We creating or refinding your indentity, we firs work with your to define your core attributes, understandyour your organiation's positioning and brand structuring, assess your competition and review your marketing strategy. With this information, we then develop a design brief that guides the cration of an authentic and meaningful identity and the many elements that supported one.
  Why indentity? Indentity is a more than a logo on a business card. It is a visual language of unique and meaningful symbols, type, color and images that clearly identifies and distinguishes you. Identity inspires everything you do, focusing your communications, supporting your brand and strategies and promoting your organisation's values and mission. A strong identity engages your audiences emotionallyand motivates them to act.
  Whether starting, strengthening or repositioning a company, launching a new product or annual event, a well planned and executed identoty is vital success.

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Address and Phone Number
65 Newport St Arlington, MA, 02476

Website: Marx Fertik Design  Marx Fertik is a Boston area brand identity design firm specializing in corporate identity and brand experience.

See also related Categories: Internet Marketing, Market Research, Graphic Design, Web Design,

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