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Canton Club

A family friendly health, fitness, wellness and recreation center. We strive to provide an environment that accommodates individuals of all ages and fitness levels in common pursuit of living a healthy and energetic life. Come check out what the Canton Club fitness center has for you!! Our equipment, programs and knowledgeable trainers will help you to achieve your fitness goals!! Whatever your fitness level or age, we are here to help you make your workouts fun and effective!
Address: Canton, MA, 02021    
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Website: Canton Club
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Canton Club
More Than Fitness...It's A Way of Life!

The Fitness Consultation
The fitness consultation is the best tool to get you started on a achieving a healthier lifestyle!! You will meet with a personal trainer and you will be assessed based on your health, fitness, and nutrition history and goals. You will get orientated on the cardio, weight and stability equipment and other program options will be discussed that best suit your level and your fitness goals.
Strength Training
The Canton Club has state of the art equipment to help you strengthen, sculpt and tone every body part!! We have different brands of equipment that provide variety and our Techno Gym line adds an interactive and tracking technology to make it easy to track your progress.
Fitness Programs
Personal training
Fat Blaster circuit training Up to Speed Running program
Youth Development
Outdoor boot camp
Golf Training
Fit Kids
Indoor rowing
Youth Development Program
This program is designed for adolescents ages 12-15. After completing this program, they will be permitted to workout on the fitness floor without parental supervision. The program consists of three sessions with a personal trainer who will teach your child how to use the equipment safely
Session One: Cardiovascular exercise, why it is important, how to operate the equipment and how to choose a proper intensity level.
Session Two: Resistance training, benefits of different types of equipment, learn exercises that are right for you with proper form and a designed ‘get started’ program.
Session Three: Flexibility, gym etiquette, and passing grade on the written test.
Group Exercise
We are proud to offer such a diverse and dynamic program for all to enjoy. Imagine yourself in a class like Street Feet where you will see yourself the hippest and hottest ever. A combination of funk, hip hop, and the latest street dance moves are combined to get you working up a sweat while working it out! People flock from miles around just to be part of the Street Feet culture.
Spa Services

After a hard workout, our locker rooms and wet areas provide a serene retreat for our members. We take pride in the cleanliness of our club with special attention paid to our locker room areas.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
95 Washington Street Canton, MA, 02021

Website: Canton Club  A family friendly health, fitness, wellness and recreation center


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