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Calvin Chin`s Martial Arts Academy

We specialize in traditional Chinese martial arts programs for children age 5 and up and adults of all ages. We offer programs to benefit health, fitness, coordination, discipline, focus, and self defense.
Address: Newton, MA, 02461    
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Website: Calvin Chin`s Martial Arts Aca
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Calvin Chin's Martial Arts Academy

 Our diverse programs range from the vigorous and dynamic Shaolin Hung Gar Tiger Crane system to the low impact, subtle movements of Wu style Tai Chi.
  We seek to preserve and promote the virtues of traditional Chinese martial arts through our unique Fu Hok Tai He Morn system of training.
  We strive to improve the standards and perception of martial arts to attract not only individuals who wish to gain the health benefits and practical use, but also those who have interests in the philosophical and physiological aspects of the ancient arts.
  We believe benefits abound from the discipline of learning a traditional martial art, and we will provide suitable programs for all to learn - from those in need of a recreational fitness program to those in search of deeper understanding of a lifelong passion.
  We seek to unravel the complexities of a traditional martial art, imparting theories from our multifaceted system in ways that can be easily learned, understood, and most importantly, carried out into other aspects of daily life
  We want to enhance the well being of our members as well as to produce life learners in an environment where both the body and mind are nurtured.
  Traditional Kung Fu
  Kung fu is an aerobic form of exercise that first involves learning form sequences and evolves into a discipline of body and mind as theory becomes an integral part of training. Sequences from the Hung Gar system, one of the original Shaolin systems include empty hand, application, and weapon forms. The Fu Hok style of Hung Gar focuses on the unique characteristics of the tiger and the crane. Traditional sequences have been preserved and strictly adhered to while the principles of martial arts theory guide all movements. Sequences contain soft and circular movements as well as the vigorous and dynamic executions commonly found in Hung Gar. Our focus on natural strength in execution is better suited for many individuals, but its advantages are more evident in the advanced stages of training as it further develops into superior power.  This system ultimately develops external and internal strength. Youths and adults will benefit from this energetic program. 
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Address and Phone Number
66 Winchester Street Newton, MA, 02461

Website: Calvin Chin`s Martial Arts Aca  We specialize in traditional Chinese martial arts programs for children age 5 and up and adults of all ages.

See also related Categories: Other, Sports Nutrition, Personal Training,

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