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Boston Worship Center

It is our passion to make sense of the world around us as well as looking deeply in our own hearts. We accomplish this through the study of the Bible, shared life experience and celebration through worship.
Address: Boston, MA, 02109    
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Website: Boston Worship Center
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Boston Worship Center

We are a community of Worship. The Westminster confession states: "Man's sole purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". It is our purpose to worship in song, words and actions. Every time we gather, we will declare the wonder and majesty of God.
We are a community of Fellowship. In a society that separates and isolates, we are committed to each other's lives. We strive to know each other well enough to "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep"
We are a community of Discipleship. We are each on a journey to become like Christ. Growing, learning and maturing in our Christianity is our goal.
We are a community of Witness. We have good news that must be told. The message of Jesus Christ needs to be communicated to our families, workplace, city and world.
Here at BWC we have a desire to be a church that makes sense. We are interested in a way of thinking that is relevant. Relevant to your life, family, work, struggle and success. Peoples lives are too full to add something else that is just filling time.
At BWC, through our worship, study of the Bible and prayer, we hold to a transcendent hope. Most conclude at some point, that there must be more than what we see. Life must have a greater purpose than using up oxygen for 80 or so years. It is critical to lift our eyes a little higher to see the mystery and majesty of God. Like walking though a fog filled field, every so often the fog parts and you see the city and can continue. This is our desire, catch a glimpse of God, and we are changed, challenged and encouraged in our life. 
We here in Boston hunger to go "where everybody knows our name". At BWC we want to work hard on being connected in significant ways. We hold to the priority that nobody has to walk alone and that everybody needs people in their life that know them well enough to Òweep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice". We pull this off with a combination of weekly worship gatherings, small group meetings, ministry teams and service projects.
Finally, at a risky moment, Jesus turned to His followers and passed the baton. On his departure, He made it clear that this message of life and hope must be told. The story of God is often referred to as "good news". News is only news to those who have never heard it before. If you have heard it, either you ignore it, reminisce about it or disagree with it. It is our passion to tell the story of God with our words, life, creativity and acts of service to those who would find it to be news.
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Address and Phone Number
9 Salutation Street Boston, MA, 02109

Website: Boston Worship Center  It is our passion to make sense of the world around us as well as looking deeply in our own hearts.


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