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Leonid Kotkin, MD, PHD Urology

Dr. Kotkin is board-certified in urology. He is an assistant clinical professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, is fluent in Russian and has special clinical interests in female and male incontinence, urologic cancer and reconstructive surgery.
Address: Brighton, MA, 02135    
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Leonid Kotkin, MD, PHD
Urology & Urological Services

The only Russian-speaking urologist in New England
American Board of Urology
Member of American Urological Association
Assistant Professor of Tufts University

Leonid Kotkin, MD, PHD received his medical degree from Second Moscow Medical School and has completed residencies in urology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and in general surgery at Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center.
General Urology
Urinary tract infections, dysfunctional voiding, hernia, benign scrotal conditions, undesended testes and vasectomy.
Urology Services:
abnormal PSA, incontinence, impotence, infertility, urologic cancer and other, urology treatments .
Stone Disease
The treatment of kidney stones and bladder stones is accomplished by minimally invasive techniques.
Caritas Carney Hospital is a teaching affiliate of Tufts University School of Medicine and a member of Caritas Christi Health Care, the second largest health care system in New England.
The Urology Section at Caritas Carney is sensitive to the needs of patients with urological problems.
We put the patient first and offer private, personal treatment. Our dedicated staff of urologists combine extensive experience, compassion, and the latest technology in addressing your urological concerns.
Caritas Carney is committed to providing you with the highest quality medical care, and is dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible treatment options. Our newly refurbished Operating Room Suite has the finest state-of-the-art equipment available. The Suite includes a modern cystoscopy room where a procedure is used to visually inspect the bladder and urethra in patients who are experiencing urologic problems. This includes laser therapy and shock wave therapy to remove difficult kidney stones. Also, modern minimally invasive surgical techniques are routinely performed to improve incontinence in both male and female patients.
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Address and Phone Number
280 Washington St. Suite 207, Brighton, MA, 02135


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