Nelly Klebanov graduated from the School of Pediatric Massage Therapy in Moscow, Russia. Nelly practices infant massage therapy derived from traditional Russian and Asian methods of naturally curing and preventing illnesses. Her experience includes over ten years of performing massage therapy at children’s clinics as well as private practice. She currently holds an American License in Massage Therapy and continues to work with infants and their parents.
Nelly provides massage sessions for infants ranging from 1 to 12 months. Sessions can be scheduled at times that are convenient for both the infant and the parents. Teaching sessions are available for parents, which include instruction in massage and exercise regimes.
Prophylactic infant massage was traditionally prevalent in Asian and Eastern European cultures and rarely seen in Western Europe and the U.S. Infant massage can prevent the development of serious neurological and orthopedic illnesses, treating most diseases with natural methods and without the use of any medication or surgery. More recently, infant massage has become more popular in the U.S.
It’s never too late to begin massage, but it is better to start when your infant is one-month-old. Infant massage is a bonding activity for parents and their children.