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| | The Medicine and Doctors catalog contains only trusted information for you and your health. This directory is dedicated to helping patients find the highest quality medical information in Waltham, MA Boston area. Medicine companies offer patients the tools necessary to make knowledgable treatment decisions of their illness or disease. The Medicine and Doctors links directory is a collection of information and professional medical help, list of doctors in the area, hospitals, best medical organizations and experts. Browse our directory and find best advices on the different topics, diets, information on vitamins, herbs, health care news and educational brochures. |
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Acupuncture and Herbal Healthcare
Our Clinic offers Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Tuina massage, and Qi Gong treatment. Each therapy may be used individually or in combination. More about Acupuncture and Herbal Healthcare |
Jeffrey S. Cummings, DMD
Your beautiful new smile can brighten your life every day, professionally and socially. Imagine coming in for a single appointment or two with Dr. More about Jeffrey S. Cummings, DMD |
Moody Street Dentist
Moody Street Dental offers a huge array of services to satisfy your entire family’s dental needs. From preventative dental services to cosmetic dentistry or athletic mouth guards to bridges or dentures we have the professional staff and the reputation to ensure a lifetime of clean, healthy teeth. More about Moody Street Dentist |
The Hay Clinic, P.C., Michelle Hay Acupuncturist
Michelle Hay a Licensed Acupuncturist is a graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture where she received a Master degree in Asian Medicine and Herbal studies (MAOM). She is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and licensed and insured in MA , her previous career was as a Respiratory Therapist in both states working with adults and children afflicted with such diseases as asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, chronic bronchitis, and sarcoidosis. More about The Hay Clinic, P.C., Michelle Hay Acupuncturist |
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