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Harborside Chiropractic

We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality healthcare by using the most efficient treatment in the most comfortable setting. We also believe that showing you how to maintain your health and prevent injury is essential. Contact us and you will find that we can do a lot to help you get out of pain - and then achieve a greater overall state of health in order to maintain pain-free status.
Address: Hyannis, MA, 02601    
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Website: Harborside Chiropractic
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Harborside Chiropractic
Diagnosis, Treatment & Rehabilitation for Sports and Spinal Injuries.
W. H. Taylor, DC, CCSP, CSCS

William H. Taylor, DC has been in private practice, helping hundreds of patients - including professional athletes- with muskulo-skeletal pain conditions since 1989.
He grew up on cape Cod, went to the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Life Chiropractic College (Atlanta) and then to Life-West (San Francisco, CA).
He has over 18 years of clinical experience, and headed his own multi-doctor clinic in San Francisco for 10 years before returning to Cape Cod and opening Harborside Chiropractic.
His postgraduate credentials include:  CCSP, Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician,  CSCS, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.   QME, Qualified Medical Examiner.
In recent years Dr. Taylor has been the team chiropractor for the San Jose Rhinos professional roller-hockey club; He has assisted with the medical staff of the Minnesota Moose and was the chiropractor for the San Francisco Spiders of the IHL.
Dr. Taylor participates regularly in continuing education courses constantly working on maintaining and improving his skills in the the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sports and spinal injuries.
Services Offered:

Diagnosing soft-tisue injuries is our specialty. Sprains and strains are not always simple. What is the source of the pain? Which connective - or soft-tissues are causing pain...muscle, nerve, ligament, cartilage, blood vessels, or some combination?
Get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Find out exactly what is causing your pain or discomfort. And get a realistic prognosis. Xrays on-site but used only if clinically necessary.
Pain Relief
We use the most modern treatment modalities known today to reduce inflammation and eliminate pain - starting on your first visit. Frequently pain relief is your greatest benefit.
Rehabilitative Care
In addition to eliminating the initial stages of acute pain, we can help you achieve your level of maximum improvement. We'll help you increase your strength, endurance and mobility--and lower the risk of re-injury.
Supportive Care
After reaching this new level of comfort, flexibility, strength and endurance, most patients choose supportive care. The frequency of these visits depends on many factors (age, previous history, etc.) and ranges from once a month to twice a year.
We encourage you to maintain your overall health and well-being through chiropractic and attention to life-style: nutrition, exercise, posture, ergonomics and body mechanics.
Pre-participation Sports Physicals
Periodic health screenings for competitive and recreational athletes. Strength, flexibility and cardio-vascular assessment. Basic injury prevention.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
29 Lewis Bay Rd. Across from Cape Cod Hospital, Hyannis, MA, 02601

Website: Harborside Chiropractic  The clinic clinic to provide you with care for your injury or painful condition.


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