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    Chiropractics. (Framingham)

     Chiropractic is a branch of alternative medicine that restore human physical and nervous system by manipulation and treatment.
     If you are interested in chiropractic and you care for your health  and do not want to take medications- this category is for you. Information collected in the Chiropractics directory of the Health and Personal Care catalog will be useful to find links to many  chiropractic centers, centers for alternative medicine and hollistic clinics located in Framingham, MA and Bostona area, providing special and professional medical services for pain releif, back pain, rehabilitation exercises and much more.

  • Chiropractics (1)

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  Allied Physical Therapy and Advantage Health
Injuries that cause long-term pain and a lengthy recovery process can be treated with completely natural, holistic physical therapy and chiropractic methods that provide lasting relief without the use of drugs. Allied Physical Therapy and Advantage Health & Wellness of Framingham invite you to embark on your journey to a healthier life.  More about Allied Physical Therapy and Advantage Health

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