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Blue Hill Baths Banya


Open since 1956 the Baths offer you arelaxed atmosphere to shed your problems and clothes. We have liscensed massage therapists. Oak leaf Platza, showers, a lounge, snack bar and relaxation.

Address: Norwood, MA, 02062    
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Website: Blue Hill Baths Banya
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Tile and Stone Stores


Blue Hill Baths  Banya

The Russian Steam provides the heat to improve  your health needs. A steam room may be just what you need after a good workout or to improve your overall health. In this room, you sweat out any impurities in your body, leaving yourself refreshed and healthy. Then a massage can make you walk and feel better.
It is time for you to enjoy.

Blue Hill Baths offers a steam the comes from water dripped over our stone oven.  The average temperature is 170 degrees. This is what is referred to as a shvitz.Our massage service offers techniques of sports massage and therapeutic massage. It can be for a person with an injury, an illness or someone that just wants to be healthy.

Another service is the platza a massage where oak leaves are used on a client’s body to “beat out” toxins and remove dead skin, sometimes known as Jewish acupuncture. Platza is a Yiddish word for back or shoulder. The client has both his backside and front side done with the oak leaves. The oak leaf broom is called a besom, which is made of oak leafs.

We are located in Norwood, MA  
Around the corner from the Dean St car wash off rt. 1

Mens hours      
Tues. 4-8 PM                              
Thurs. 3 PM - 10 PM                   
Sat.    11 AM - 8                                
Sun.    6 AM - 1 PM

Ladies hours

By appointment call Barry
617 510 4707  
































Call Barry at 617 510 4707 for private party requests
Come join us to get relief from the tension of the day. We are here to serve you so that you can have the best experience possible.
  586 Pleasant St. Norwood, MA. 02062…..781 762 9500

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
586 Pleasant St. Norwood, MA, 02062

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 *** 1 Review for Blue Hill Baths Banya
Excellent 08/13/2012  Lois    Boston, Massachusetts
Great ladies nights. The place is clean and comfortable. Excellent massage therapists and the heat is hot. Snack bar, towels, sheets and the let you bring your own food and drink if you prefer. We have all our special occasion womens events there. Friendly staff.

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