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Boston Grocery Shoppers

Boston Grocery shoppers is a local grocery delivery business. We shop for clients and deliver their groceries, prescription medication, even make liquor store runs.
Address: Boston, MA, 02136    
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Boston Grocery Shoppers
If you don't have a car or the time to grocery shop, we'll do it for you. If you live on the third floor apartment, swamp with work, have to take care of the kids, we'll take care of grocery needs for you.

Boston Grocery Shoppers shops for you where you normally shop. We pick up prescription meds, wine and spirits, your groceries and deliver them to your door at a time convenient for you and your family.

We use coupons to save you money. We carefully inspect product labels, expiration dates and always pick the freshest produce for you.

We use containers, not bags, to carry your groceries to avoid cracked eggs and bruised fruits. We're eco-friendly; you never have to worry about paper and plastic bags cluttering your pantry.

For a limited time, it will cost you only a $5.99 fee (much cheaper than peapod) for homes up to 15 miles of Boston. You pay for the groceries when we deliver them. Same day delivery, if order is made before 6pm.

Earn $5 each time you refer a new client.

Contact here

Address and Phone Number
Hyde Park Ave. Boston, MA, 02136

See also related Categories: Food Stores,

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