We are a private in-home tutoring service, covering the entire Boston area. All age groups and subject areas served. We know there are other tutoring companies serving the area. We believe we are different because:
1) All of our tutors are actual state-certified educators. Your tutor will be a trained professional, with real teaching experience and the ability to understand the best approach to you / your child's specific needs. We will not send you an untrained layman, or a local college or high school student!
2) All of our tutoring work is done on a fully customized basis. Each student starts with a blank slate, and we craft a plan of action which is most likely to work for that student Each student has their own unique needs, style, and learning tendencies. We respect and build off of that uniqueness. The student will not be bombarded by "worksheets" or other cookie cutter approaches.
3) We offer reasonable hourly rates, and convenient pay-as-you-go billing. There is no minimum up-front commitment. You can stop at any time. And you will find our rates to be lower than those of our competitors.
We are a woman-owned firm started in 2005 by a former classroom teacher. Our company has expanded rapidly and we have provided our brand of highly-qualified, highly-customized, reasonably-priced tutoring to hundreds of students.